Factors in Real Estate Condo Appraisal
Well-established guidelines exist for how the agents or the appraisers can take the principles and apply it to a specific condominium are explained below this title of factors in Real Estate condo Appraisals.
Appraisals are needed because they compared to, say, corporate stock, real estate transactions occur very infrequently in the field of real estate business. Not only that, but they have the value added to every property is different from the next, this factor that does not affect assets like corporate stock.
Types of value:
There are several types in the value for the real estate Appraisal, some of them are as follows
Market value:
The estimated amount for which an asset or liability should exchange on the valuation date between a willing buyer and a willing seller in an arm's length transaction, after proper marketing and where the parties had each acted knowledgeably, prudently and without compulsion.
Value-in-use is the value to one particular user, and may be above or below the market value of a property.
Investment value:
The value of an asset to the owner or a prospective owner for individual investment or operational objectives.
Insurable value:
It assumes a seller who is compelled to sell after an exposure period which is less than the market-normal time-frame.
Liquidation value:
It is the value of real property covered by an insurance policy. Generally it does not include the site value.
Amazing facts